Water Filter Faucet
Water Filter Faucet

Tap water in the United States is safe, but there is a great deal of room for improvement. Although municipalities do their best to eliminate dangerous and unpleasant substances in the supply, contaminants can still leach into groundwater at various points along the pipeline. Other times, the very chemicals used in the purification process can lend an unpleasant taste to the water. The first step in 5 stage RO drinking water systems uses a sediment filter to remove sediment and rust, sand dirt. The second and third stages reduce clorine, bad taste and odor. The fourth and fifth stages go even further to reduce chemicals, dissolved ions, improves the taste and more. If you are investing in RO drinking water systems for your house, Filter Direct offers a water filter faucet to fit any style you have in your kitchen.
They're inexpensive, easy to install and can be placed anywhere in the home you deem appropriate. A water filter faucet will add style to your kitchen while your filter system handles all the dirty work of removing the unwanted contaminates in your water.Whole house water filters are also available for large-scale filtering. Place one on the main incoming pipe to filter everything coming into the home.
Whole House Water Filters

We have several whole house water filters for you to choose from based on your filtering needs. We know that each city has it's own combination of minerals and deposits in the water. Our WH-25 Whole House 5 micron sediment filtration revmoves sediment, rust, sand and dirt. On the other hand our WH-20 whole house carbon filtration system reemoves cholorine, odor and and taste that's common in tap water. To take care of all these problems, you can invest in our WH-250 which combines the power of the first two filters into one. If you can't find a unit that seems to fit your needs, the staff at Filter Direct will be happy to assist you in buying a filter that is big enough to handle your household volume, yet not too big for your purposes.