* 215, Refillable clear inline housing + DI (de-mineralize) resin , part no. 215, $15
* This is 5th or 6th stage filter depending on the system setup. Please match with your original setup.
* This is compatible with any RO or RO+DI systems
* The clear housing cap can be screwed off, so you can refill the DI resin as needed. Also, by using the color changing DI resin, the color change can be observed. On average it is able to process about 500 gallons of RO water.
* Nuclear grade with color indicator: for production of demineralized water of high purity, silica free. When the resin is used up, the green color resin will change to brown color. It will give you 0 ppm TDS, Conductivity attainable less than 0.1uS/cm or resistivity of close to 18 meg.ohm
* Dimension: 2" x 10"
* Input/output size: 1/4" FPT